In his Christmas and Hanukkah message, shared with DCNews, H.E. Ambassador (ret) Adrian Zuckerman emphasizes the importance of protecting Romania's democracy against hybrid attacks from Russia and China, such as the recent one targeting the electoral process using the TikTok platform. He praises the response of the Romanian judicial system and the international support for the annulment of the corrupt elections. Zuckerman also calls for decisive actions against foreign agents and propaganda, including banning TikTok, to safeguard the hard-won freedom and democracy. He urges unity and responsible leadership for a better future for Romania, shielded from malign external influences.
”I want to wish all Romanians a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.
This should be an especially happy day - Romania is still a free democracy. The dark forces of the Putin – Xi Jinping conspiracy to steal Romania’s hard fought young democracy failed.
The Romanian judicial system worked. It stopped the first step of the most malefic hybrid cyber attack against the electoral process of a democratic state ever! This massive Russian hybrid cyber attack was years in the making and cost tens of millions of Euros. In addition to various operatives on the ground the principal tool of the attack was TikTok. There is no bona fide doubt about the attack or the propriety of the annulment of the election. The United States government and the governments of France, the United Kingdom and virtually all other European countries recognized the attack and support Romania’s response.
It is now time to clean up all the operatives and participants in the failed attack on democracy, including TikTok. The individual participants must be brought to justice. The hybrid war started by Russia has not ended. It continues. The waves of disinformation, untruths and propaganda continue unabated. The domestic propagandists paid by foreign interests must be shutdown – just like Sputnik was.
The United States passed a law that TikTok must be sold by its Communist Chinese owners by January 19th or it will be shutdown. Romania should enact a similar law. ANCOM, SRI and other government entities have long called for shutting down TikTok. The time for Romanians to be victimized has ended – it is time for Romanians to be protected by their government against all malign foreign actors.
The precious freedom and democracy that so many courageous Romanians died for thirty five years ago can not be allowed to perish. While there are many issues, problems and frustrations that face Romanians, none of them can be resolved in the absence of democracy. The Romanian government must make sure that the next round of elections are completely free of Russian, Chinese or other malign foreign interference.
This is a time for unity to save the future of Romania. This is not the time for selfish political demagoguery baselessly criticizing the annulment of the corrupted first round of elections. This is the time for constructive political leadership and for all democratic freedom loving patriots to unite, as some have done already, for a better Romania. The people of Romania will remember those who fail to do so. While this may not solve the many problems and issues facing Romania today, it is far better than Putin's Romania.
Let us have the courage every day to keep the flame of freedom and democracy burning bright.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
God bless you,
Amb. Adrian Zuckerman (ret)
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