Ambasadorul Japoniei la Bucureşti Hiroshi Ueda: Japonia și România își vor ridica în curând relațiile la nivelul de Parteneriat Strategic

Ambasadorul Japoniei la Bucureşti Hiroshi Ueda.
Ambasadorul Japoniei la Bucureşti Hiroshi Ueda.

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a fost prezent la evenimentul care a marcat Ziua Naţională a Japoniei, unde s-a întâlnit cu Ambasadorul Japoniei la Bucureşti Hiroshi Ueda. Acesta din urmă a ținut în discurs pe care vi-l prezentăm în rândurile de mai jos - și în limba engleză, dar și în limba română.


”Your Excellency Mr. Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă,
Your Excellency Mr. Former President Emil Constantinescu, 
Dear Senators and Deputies and Members of the European Parliament,
Minister of Justice, Mr. Catalin Predoiu,
Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Mr. Cseke Attila-Zoltan, 
Minister of Health, Mr. Alexandru Rafila,
Ministry of Culture, Mr. Lucian Romascanu,
Ambassadors and Heads of Missions accredited in Romania, 
Dear members of the Diplomatic Corps,
High Officials and Representatives,
Dear Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake and to express my wishes for the earliest possible recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Japan's National Day is February 23, the birthday of His Majesty Emperor Naruhito.

At 63 years of age, he is the 126th Emperor of Japan, the longest continuously reigning member of the Imperial Family in the world. We are truly honored to be able to celebrate this special occasion with you all, especially face to face for the first time in three years, after the pandemic.

Ziua Națională a Japoniei se sărbătorește pe data de 23 februarie, ziua de naștere a Maiestății Sale Împăratul Naruhito.

În vârstă de 63 de ani, Maiestatea Sa este cel de-al 126-lea împărat al Japoniei și moștenitorul celei mai vechi linii imperiale din lume. Suntem cu adevărat onorați să putem sărbători împreună cu dumneavoastră această ocazie specială.

Japonia și România, care au aniversat în anul 2021 centenarul stabilirii relațiilor diplomatice, au legături extrem de bune sub toate aspectele: politic, economic, cultural, artistic și sportiv. 

Iar anul acesta este cel în care se va realiza promisiunea făcută de regretatul Prim Ministru al Japoniei, Shinzo Abe, în discuția cu președintele Klaus Iohannis, cu ocazia vizitei în România din anul 2018, aceea de a ridica relațiile bilaterale la nivelul de Parteneriat Strategic.

The year before last, in 2021, Japan and Romania celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

On that occasion, despite the pandemic, numerous festive events were held in various spheres, including the anniversary resolution adopted by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Romanian Senate.

Japan and Romania have strengthened their friendship, especially in recent years, based on shared values such as rule of law, democracy, respect for human rights, and open economy.

In 2018, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit Romania, where he and President Klaus Iohannis pledged to elevate bilateral relations to the level of Strategic Partnership. The following year, in 2019, President Iohannis visited Japan on the occasion of the enthronement of His Majesty Emperor Naruhito.

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Abe passed away last year. 

I would like to express my gratitude for the messages of condolence from President Iohannis and many others, as well as  for the attendance of Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and Speaker Marcel Ciolacu, to Prime Minister Abe's State Funeral in Japan. Now that Mr. Abe has passed away, I believe that it is our responsibility to carry on his legacy and to conclude the document of the Strategic Partnership between our two countries.

On the economic front, more than 110 Japanese companies operate in Romania, creating over 40,000 jobs. In addition, we   are participating in many of Romania's flagship projects, such as the Brăila Bridge, the largest suspension bridge in Romania and the third longest in the EU, which is under construction by the Japanese company IHI.

Another prime example of our cooperation is the Bucharest International Airport Access Railway, so-called M6 metro line, which will be built with Japanese yen loans. 

Last but not least, ELI-NP, the world-class extreme laser nuclear physics research institute is with the cooperation of Osaka University for cutting-edge technology and research.

In terms of culture, arts, and sports, we are amazed at the popularity of Japan in Romania in a wide range of fields, including Japanese language, literature, martial arts, tea ceremony, pop culture, anime, manga, etc. The participation of Japanese drama artists in the Sibiu International Theater Festival has become a regular sight every June.

Last year, the year 2022, when both countries took their first steps toward the new century of bilateral relations, was marked by two major events: the convergence of Covid-19 and the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Covid-19 raged for more than two years and was a major challenge for both countries. However, owing much to bilateral and international cooperation in the medical and other fields, the major crisis was averted and restrictions have been relaxed in many countries, including Japan and Romania.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine is absolutely unacceptable and shakes the very foundations of the international order. In cooperation with Romania and other like-minded countries, Japan was quick to implement sanctions against Russia, and pledged a total of 7.1 billion US dollars in aid to Ukraine, Romania, Republic of Moldova and other neighboring countries.

Japan will strongly continue to impose sanctions against Russia and provide assistance for Ukraine with a strong determination to reject unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force (and coercion) in any region.

At the same time, I would like to express my sincere respect and admiration for Romania, as a key member of NATO's Eastern Flank and Bucharest 9, for fulfilling the responsibilities by providing assistance to refugees, supporting the transportation of Ukrainian grain, providing energy assistance, supporting Republic of Moldova, and many more.     

In particular, we witnessed firsthand the heartwarming welcome extended to Ukrainian refugees by the Romanian people. This reminds me of how, right after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, our Romanian friends invited children from Fukushima  to Romania to heal their hearts. I am sure I am not the only Japanese who recall this Romanian hospitality. 

Doamnelor și domnilor,

Lumea se află acum într-un moment de cotitură. Sunt provocări la adresa ordinii internaționale libere și deschise, bazate pe statul de drept, cum este invazia Rusiei în Ucraina, un act impardonabil care pune greu la încercare fundamentele ordinii internaționale, dar și provocări comune întregii omeniri, precum schimbările climatice, sănătatea globală, răspunsul la multiplele dezastre naturale, și multe altele. 

The world is now at a turning point in history. The free and open international order based on the rule of law that has upheld peace and prosperity in the post-Cold War era is facing serious challenges. Furthermore, there are mounting challenges common to all humankind, such as climate change, global health, response to frequent natural disasters, and many more.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Takasugi Shinsaku, one of the architects of the Meiji Restoration that modernized Japan from the samurai era said, "The degree to which you can trust your friends becomes clear when you are in an emergency or difficult situation.”

I have heard a similar saying in Romanian: "Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaște.”

In the face of the challenges we confront, I am convinced that Japan and Romania will very soon raise their relations to the level of Strategic Partnership and continue to do the utmost in the international community, based on common values and with greater strength and deeper trust.

Am convingerea că, în fața provocărilor cu care ne confruntăm, Japonia și România își vor ridica în curând relațiile la nivelul de Parteneriat Strategic și vor continua să facă tot ce le stă în putință în cadrul comunității internaționale, pe baza unor valori comune și cu o încredere mai puternică și mai profundă pentru a-și atinge țelul.

According to the Japanese zodiac of 60 year cycle, the year 2023 is the year of "Mizunoto-u, water-rabbit”, which has the implication of “the year in which our past efforts will blossom and begin to bear fruit”.

To conclude my words, please allow me to extend my best wishes for the further development of the bilateral relations in this auspicious year.

Vă multumesc pentru atenție.

Thank you very much”, a spus Ambasadorul Japoniei la Bucureşti Hiroshi Ueda.

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