Câinele dresat să... vorbească! Cum a fost posibil?


Mai multe clipuri cu un câine care a învăţat să spună ce vrea fac deliciul reţelelor de socializare. Totul graţie ingeniozităţii stăpânului, care a găsit o metodă eficientă de comunicare cu patrupedul. 

Logopedul Christina Hunger a reuşit să îşi facă câinele să vorbească, fără să latre. Graţie ingeniozităţii sale, câinele botezat Stella poate spune când vrea să iasă afară, când îi este sete, foame, sau când îşi caută jucăria preferată. 

Cum vorbeşte Stella

Christina Hunger a creat un dispozitiv care conţine mai multe butoane colorate. Fiecare dintre acestea corespunde unei acţiuni sau unui obiect, dar şi unor emoţii. Când butonul este apăsat, cuvântul este rostit în vocea lui Hunger sau a logodnicului acesteia. Iar câinele poate lega mai multe cuvinte între ele pentru a exprima ceea ce spune, conform mymodernmet.com. 

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Meet Stella! Stella is a spunky Catahoula / Blue Heeler mix. She has been learning to talk since she was two months old! Now, she has lots to say and is the best girl in every way.

A post shared by Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) onJul 27, 2019 at 11:38am PDT

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Stella uses language differently when she’s in a heightened state versus when she’s calm! • Today when she heard some noises outside and wanted to go investigate, I told her we were staying inside. • Stella responded by saying, “Look” 9 TIMES IN A ROW, then “Come outside.” She was clearly in a more frantic state, and her language use matched that. We all sound differently than normal when we’re in distress, Stella included! • I’m impressed that Stella is communicating with language during her more heightened states, not just when she’s calm and in a quiet space. This shows me that words are becoming more automatic for her to use. It’s similar to when a toddler starts using language to express himself during times of frustration instead of only crying. That happens when it’s easy for the toddler to say words, not when he’s still learning and it takes a lot of focus to talk ???????? • • • • • #hunger4words #stellathetalkingdog #slpsofinstagram #speechtherapy #AAC #ashaigers #slp #corewords #SLPeeps #slp2be #earlyintervention #languagedevelopment #dogsofinstagram #dogmom #doglife #dogs #guarddog #animalpsychology #doglover #dogvideos #sandiegodog #catahoula #blueheeler #smartdog #dogcommunication #mydogtalks #animalcommunication #interspeciescommunication #loveanimals

A post shared by Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) onNov 1, 2019 at 1:14pm PDT

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Last night, right before this video was taken, I accidentally said “ball” on Stella’s device while I was actually reaching for a different word. But, Stella took this very seriously! She picked up her ball, dropped it on her device, and said “Good” (Translation: Good idea, Mom!) • I started recording right after she said “Good” and caught the rest of her thought: “Happy ball want outside!” • Like all AAC users, Stella thrives when we talk to her using her device and say words that she loves. She never needs to know it was on accident! ???? • • • • • #hunger4words #stellathetalkingdog #slpsofinstagram #speechtherapy #AAC #ashaigers #slp #corewords #SLPeeps #slp2be #aacawarenessmonth #earlyintervention #languagedevelopment #dogsofinstagram #dogmom #doglife #dogs #animalpsychology #doglover #dogvideos #sandiegodog #catahoula #blueheeler #smartdog #dogcommunication #mydogtalks #animalcommunication #interspeciescommunication #loveanimals

A post shared by Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) onOct 30, 2019 at 10:09am PDT

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I AM MIND BLOWN ???? Last night after coming inside, Stella said “Come eat come play.” I was pretty sure she meant that she wanted to eat dinner then play, but I asked, “Do you want to eat or play?” to clarify. • Stella licked her lips, paused, and responded, “Want come eat.” After Stella ate, she immediately dove at her toy and started playing. • AHHH! This is amazing for so many reasons! Stella told me a sequence of two things she wanted to do. Then, I asked her a question containing two options, and she answered with a short phrase confirming her original message! Stella even expanded her own phrase from “Come eat ” to “Want come eat.” The speech therapist side of me is completely amazed, and the dog mom side of me is incredibly proud. Yay, Stella!! • • • • • #hunger4words #stellathetalkingdog #proud #slpsofinstagram #speechtherapy #AAC #ashaigers #slp #corewords #SLPeeps #slp2be #aacawarenessmonth #earlyintervention #languagedevelopment #dogsofinstagram #dogmom #doglife #dogs #animalpsychology #doglover #dogvideos #sandiegodog #catahoula #blueheeler #smartdog #dogcommunication #mydogtalks #animalcommunication #interspeciescommunication #loveanimals

A post shared by Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) onOct 22, 2019 at 9:00am PDT

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