Un puternic cutremur, estimat în acest moment la 6,7 pe scara Richter, a zguduit Turcia și Grecia pe 30 octombrie 2020.
Oficialii orașului Izmir au transmis că 20 de clădiri s-au prăbușit în timpul principalului cutremur, transmite BBC. Metropola se află în Sud-Vestul Turciei și este căminul a 4,3 milioane locuitori.
???? #UltimaHora
— Noticias TerraGea (@TerraGeaNews) October 30, 2020
Al menos 4 fallecidos y 120 heridos en Turquía, según la Agencia Anadolu, por el #Terremoto
Por lo menos otras 4 personas ya han sido rescatadas entre los escombros de los edificios derrumbados.#earthquake #Turkey pic.twitter.com/rcYkONrwDB
Four dead & 120 injured in a 7.0 - magnitude earthquake to hit Aegean Sea :- According to Turkey's disaster management authority.#earthquake #izmir #Greece pic.twitter.com/0UCXjiledy
— Nayab Rizvi (@rizvi381) October 30, 2020
May God have mercy on our Turkish brothers. All our prayers are for turkey brothers.???? ????????????????
— Chaudhary Haroon (PMLN) (@ChaudharyHAR00N) October 30, 2020
The magnitude of the #earthquake It is really a very terrible. ????#izmir pic.twitter.com/1RhwZODhzY
Photos of the damage caused by the #earthquake in #Izmir #Turkey pic.twitter.com/p08zEMI81C
— Douglas MacDonald (@dmac5dmark2) October 30, 2020
????Terrible footage from #Izmir after the #earthquake.
— Pichincha Communications (@EnPichinchaU) October 30, 2020
Many buildings collapsed in the city center, according to local reports. @pichinchauniver pic.twitter.com/MtJ2eCRLyJ
Earthquake of Magnitude 7.0 hits Izmir, Turkey and a great Tsunami Follows.
— Ishan Borah (@ishan_borah) October 30, 2020
4 Lives Lost and 120 injured. Around 20 buildings have fallen according to th Mayor of Izmir.#TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/Ys0dcDtoOQ
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