Pandemia de coronavirus fierbe întreaga planetă. Iată o selecție extraordinară a celor mai mari orașe ale lumii, pustii din cauza COVID-19.
Pandemia de coronavirus a lovit dur întreaga lume. Toate țările sunt în alertă maximă, iar oamenii sunt din ce în ce mai speriați de întreaga situație creată de COVID-19.
Ei bine, măsurile ferme luate de autoritățile din toate țările, în contextul stării de urgență, acelea de a impune izolarea la domiciliu a oamenilor se pare că dă roade, iar imaginile surprinse, deși sunt tragice, sunt dovada clară că întreaga omenire conștientizează pericolul pe care îl provoacă acest virus.
Am făcut o selecție a celor mai clare imagini, de pe străzile și de la cele mai importante obiective turistice ale lumii.
In “Rome, Closed City,” the filmmaker Mo Scarpelli walks the city’s normally bustling streets, filming empty squares, solitary masked pedestrians, and the occasional impervious pigeon.
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) March 21, 2020
WATCH: Rome’s Colosseum and the surrounding streets are empty of tourists as Italy continues its lockdown to stop the #coronavirus outbreak
— QuickTake by Bloomberg (@QuickTake) March 21, 2020
Deserted streets.
— AFP news agency (@AFP) March 16, 2020
Usually traffic-jammed roads in Madrid, Rome and Tirana are virtually empty as major European cities go into #coronavirus lockdown
Sara Joe Wolansky writes about the short film “Rome, Closed City,” shot by the filmmaker Mo Scarpelli, on Friday, March 13th, as she walked the empty streets of Rome amid the coronavirus crisis.
— Khumaer Bayas (@khumaer) March 21, 2020
A short video from St. Peter’s Square, still empty in accordance with Italy’s lockdown procedures for #coronavirus.
Streets around Vatican feel much emptier today than yesterday. A few people walking. Most shops closed.
— Joshua McElwee (@joshjmac) March 11, 2020
Drone video shows streets surrounding Paris' famous landmarks virtually empty as France remains on lockdown over the coronavirus outbreak
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 19, 2020
The streets and sidewalks surrounding Paris' iconic landmarks were mostly empty on Wednesday after a government lockdown was put in place amid coronavirus outbreak.
— ABC News (@ABC) March 19, 2020
The empty streets of #Barcelona today was a lovely #coronavirus #lockdown day ????
— Simon Lewis (@simlewis) March 20, 2020
Empty Streets!#München #Munich #Germany #Deutschland #Germania #Allemagne #Alemania #Europe #Covid_19
— The Fine Guide - FG - ArtTravelInt. (@FG_ArtTravel_In) March 19, 2020
Valencia seen from the air during #quarantine
ℹ️ The measures taken to stop the #coronavirus in Spain have left ghostly images.
➡️ This video shows the surroundings of Valencia airport and, as you can see, the activity is minimal: empty streets, deserted roads...#Pandemic
— Ramón Alarcón Sánchez ???? (@ramonalarcon94) March 20, 2020
#Berlin streets empty as #contact #ban comes into force #coronavirus #Germany
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) March 23, 2020
empty streets #cologne #lockdown germany .. everybody have a safe and sunny sunday // in köln halten sich die leute an die regeln ???????? #nrw // schöne grüße // stay safe & healthy
— viking???? (@chrhof) March 22, 2020
Empty Streets!#München #Munich #Germany #Deutschland #Germania #Allemagne #Alemania #Europe #Covid_19
— The Fine Guide - FG - ArtTravelInt. (@FG_ArtTravel_In) March 19, 2020
Cluj-Napoca center on a Monday morning.
— Ardeal (@UnArdeal) March 23, 2020
1. Streets seem to be empty after the full lockdown that started today in Romania.
2. Climate change at its best... Snow today and -2 degrees C, while 3 days ago there were 20 degrees C.
Hanunted streets. An empty Times Square during social distancing.
— Corona Scott King (@DrifterShoots) March 23, 2020
New York City streets are empty, deserted and give off ‘I Am Legend’ movie vibes…
— RT (@RT_com) March 22, 2020
San Francisco , March 2020
Never thought I’d see empty streets in the city . (Photos taken from fb page)
— Mayreezy (@mayreeeeezy) March 18, 2020
The lonely streets of London: Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly are among famous spots left nearly empty
— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) March 17, 2020
The streets of the world's cities are empty????????♂️????????
— Sabriaziz (@sabrialmandi) March 23, 2020
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