Testul care depistează COVID-19 în 15 minute, DISPONIBIL în Europa

Sursa foto: Agerpres
Sursa foto: Agerpres

Testul care depistează infecţia cu coronavirus într-un sfert de oră este acum disponibil şi în Europa. 

Testul realizat de compania Becton Dickinson and Co va fi disponibil pentru vânzare în Europa la finalul lunii octombrie, anunţă Bloomberg pe Instagram. Testul face parte dintr-un set de instrumente rapide de detectare a infecţiei cu coronavirus prin detectarea antigenilor de pe suprafaţa SARS-CoV-2. 

"Va schimba complet lucrurile în Europa. Cred că ne întoarcem în direcţia din aprilie aşa că nevoia de testare va fi mare", a declarat Fernand Goldblat, şeful de diagnostic al companiei pe Europa. 

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● The U.S. company plans to begin selling the test at the end of October. Link in bio for more.⠀ ⠀ ● Becton Dickinson and Co.’s Covid-19 test that returns results in 15 minutes has been cleared for use in countries that accept Europe’s CE marking, the diagnostics maker said Wednesday.⠀ ⠀ ● The test is part of a new class of quicker screening tools named for the identifying proteins called antigens they detect on the surface of SARS-CoV-2. Becton Dickinson expects to begin selling the test, which runs on the company’s cellphone-sized BD Veritor Plus System, in European markets at the end of October. It will likely be used by emergency departments, general practitioners and pediatricians.⠀ ⠀ ● “It is really a game-changing introduction here in Europe,” said Fernand Goldblat, BD’s head of diagnostics for Europe. Europe was really at the epicenter of the pandemic in April and May, “and unfortunately I think we’re headed back in that direction. So the need will be extremely high,” he said.⠀ ⠀ ● Antigen tests have emerged as a valuable tool because they produce results much more quickly than gold-standard PCR diagnostic assays. However, they are generally less accurate. In the U.S., for instance, instructions for BD’s system recommend that negative results be confirmed by a molecular testing method.

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